5 Common mistakes patients make after surgery

a man in red shirt covering his face
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

1. Starting physical work too early –

      In modern times, like everything else, we want quick recovery from our surgery without any pain or discomfort. However, human body is a very old model (really!) which hasn’t been updated since million of years. So, no matter what you expect from human body, it will take its own sweet time to recover. So, the best advice is to start physical activity slowly and gradually over weeks and months after taking help of your doctor and physiotherapist.

Best advice : start physical activity slowly and gradually over weeks and months.

2. Not starting activity at all –

    Some patients believe that they need to stay completely immobile in their bed after surgery. That also not true. For bodily functions to maintain normally some physical activity is necessary.  Hence, the key is to take the help of a professional and start gradually.
There is no fixed number of days after which you should start activities. The best person to answer this is your operating doctor and no one else. As you feel comfortable and confident  you can increase physical activity.

Best advice : The best person to answer this is your operating doctor and no one else.

3. Not taking your medicine properly.

     How many times have you told yourself that its okay to take medicines with coffee/ tea/ milk/ buttermilk/ juice/ cold water/ warm water..or even nothing..! The right thing to do is to take your medicines with plain water, one full glass, approx 300ml. Should you take them before or after meals depends on the type of medicine, which your doctor will tell you.

Best advice : take your medicines with plain water, one full glass, approx 300ml.

4. Not eating well

    This is one of the most overlooked aspect after surgery. Patients are generally confused about what to eat and hence they eat very poor diet. However, doing the opposite is helpful.
Eating nutritious food helps the wounds to heal quickly and boosts immunity. As a thumb rule eating as may fruits and lightly cooked vegetables has never harmed anyone. Always ask your doctor when should you start eating because it changes according to type of surgery. Also, you may not feel hungry after surgery. That is common and expected as is generally due to many medications that you have been prescribed, and it become normal once medicines are stopped.
Drinking adequate water is equally important. Some patients think that drinking less will save them trip to the bathroom. The fact is that by doing so they are not only slowing their recovery but also putting their overall body at risk because body needs extra water to process those medicines properly and hence one cannot afford dehydration.

Best advice : Eat clean and green. Drinking lots of water 

5. Not maintaining hygiene.

As a surgeon, I am most worried about after surgery infection. And since most patient these days want day care surgeries, getting dressing done at home becomes even more difficult. So take utmost precautions to maintain hygiene at the operated area. Some patients believe not cleaning their stitches with water they are doing the right thing. However, gently cleaning them with water, applying  antibiotic ointment or powder can be more helpful.

Best advice : gently cleaning wound with water, applying  antibiotic ointment or powder.


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