Sir, 500 rs only for talking?

There is immense cacophony over the internet, television news, paper news, and everywhere else about why is medical care in India so expensive and poor quality. On the same note, no media channel spares any opportunity to create a smoke screen of villain doctor vs poor/  helpless/ innocent patients. As a matter of fact, negative... Continue Reading →

Types of patients who wreck their own treatment.

After seeing so many patients over the last couple of years, I have come to a conclusion that some type of patients come with their fate sealed in their own hands. Unknowingly they deny sound advise and believe hearsay and unverified news, often falling into trouble. The sad part is that their pride does not... Continue Reading →

Health care hue and cry – Unaware patients.

The average Indian patient is royally unaware of the shit when the boulder of disease hits him suddenly. Its something like being slapped by a court case, the difference is that the terms are non-negotiable. If you have a certain disease it will follow its course of nature irrespective of your social, economic, emotional status... Continue Reading →

Patients vs Clients

When I started to train as a doctor, more than a decade ago, society in India still believed in doctor's nobility and sanctity of profession. Though it was a dying trend then too, but mostly, positively palpable. Then globalization happened. Indians became gullible recipients of anything western. Folks in India tasted the world of client... Continue Reading →

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